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聖枝主日講道 Homily Palm Sunday April 2nd, 2023


Palm Sunday 2023 Homily

Franklin Fong, OFM

April 2, 2023


The main theme for today’s lectionary is about the passage through the darkness of suffering and death to the light of joy and life. The dramatic story of Jesus’s life reveals the strengths and weaknesses of people life ourselves who are touched by the painful mystery of human suffering in the presence of a caring God.    


Despite the many different ways of the darkness of his life, Jesus stills chose to be the servant of God. Jesus remains faithful to his Father, true to himself, and finds a way though the darkness of it all.


Notice that when he rides into Jerusalem he asks his disciples to bring him work animals, that is an ass and a colt. This would be a donkey. One would expect that a triumphant entry would be on a beautiful stallion horse, with a soldiers around him. But instead he comes in riding a donkey.  


The consistent message to his disciples and to the people of his time is that he is there to serve the people of God, and not to be their rulers. The disciples are to accompany others on their journeys of faith, and to assist everyone to have a relationship with God.  

The second message of the gospel reading from Matthew is that yes there will be eight different ways that people will relate to you as a disciples of Jesus.  


One way will be with joy and celebration that you have arrived, as we read in the opening scenes of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.  

A second way is that some may deny ever having known you or met you.  

A third way might be that someone might even betray you for personal gain.  

A fourth way might be that they are simply put to sleep by being in your presence.  

A fifth way might be with the use of violence in your presence.  

A sixth way might be tur you over to the authorities to be imprisoned and tortured.   

A seventh way might be that persons might convict you of blasphemy or worse.  

And finally an eight way might be that they would actually participate in executing you in public.  


Simply thru the time which has passed since the gospel of Mathew was written, we are aware that all of these 8 ways have been recorded in history. Even as of today, with the war in the Ukraine, we hear that violence is still used as one of the responses to life in the world.


As a man, Jesus finds darkness and negativity in his life, but he trusts in the darkness and his trust transforms it into light. This trust indicates thought he is looking for something greater than his individual life, he knows that this something can only be discovered within the life process. He allows his life to become open to the creative power within him. Jesus experiences the Father’s unconditional love and responds with unconditional love in the face of life’s paradox and absurdity. To love unconditionally is to love the concrete which includes both the good and the unliked. Real faith then is a deliberate choice of reality in its concrete manifestation, whether it be to our liking or not !



Loving one another is usually quite easy to accept when it comes to parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors etc. But when it comes to the stranger, or even those who have emotionally hurt you, it is not as easy. But yet, Jesus did not put any qualifications on this.  


This is like how we feel about feeding the poor. In the beginning, if we see the poor as deserving this food, we do it. But sometimes we believe they are not deserving of our help. This part in terms of judging another was never said by Jesus. In fact we were told to not judge one another but to be a witness to God’s love in your world. So the lesson is a hard one for us as we age.  


For Jesus, even after he had experienced all eight of these different ways from people, he still chooses to give up his life for them and all the strangers to be born.  

And so it continues in our faith journeys today.  


Can we find it in our hearts to forgive those who did the bombings in the Ukraine or mass murders in our schools? Forgiveness does not mean that they are not responsible for the injury they have caused!  


But can we forgive the perpetrators of these violent acts? 


This is the lesson for Passion Sunday. Just as Jesus forgave all those who hurt him, so much so that he stays on course in his willingness to give his life for others – even the ones who were hurting him.  


And so, as enter Holy Week,

• how do we see ourselves in our ability to generously love one another, and to let God do the judging?  

• Do we trust in God’s purpose and vision for our world?  

• Are we willing to work toward God’s vision for faith, hope and love in this world? 

• How can we as individuals and a community help bring about healing in times of emotional, psychological as well as physical violence in the our life today? 


So brothers and sisters of the Chinese Catholic Community

that is the Good News for this Palm Sunday.

Amen, Amen





四旬期甲年聖枝主日 (04/03/2023)

讀經一: 依撒意亞先知書 50: 4-7
讀經二: 聖保祿宗徒致斐理伯人書 2: 6-11
馬竇福音 26: 14-27, 66












  • 第一種方式可能是喜樂與具慶祝性的,正如我們讀到在耶穌當時剛進入耶路撒冷時的景象。

  • 第二種方式可能是有些人也許會否認認識或見過你。

  • 第三種方式可能是有人甚至也許為了個人利益而背叛你。

  • 第四種方式可能是在你面前他們假裝入睡或真的睡著了。

  • 第五種方式可能是當著你的面使用暴力。

  • 第六種方式可能是將你交給當局進行監禁和折磨。

  • 第七種方式可能是人們可能會判定你犯有褻瀆罪或更糟的罪。

  • 最後,第八種方式可能是他們會現身參與以公開,當眾形式來處決你。





















• 我們該如何看待自己的能力慷慨地實現彼此相愛,並讓天主作其判斷?

• 我們該如何相信天主要求我們在生命中顯揚祂的旨意和願景嗎?

• 我們是否願意在這個世界上努力實現天主的信、望和愛的願景嗎?

• 作為個人和團體一員,我們該如何才能幫助我們實現今天在生活中的情緒、心理和肢體暴力受到傷害後的治愈,康復工作?


所以華人天主教會的兄弟姐妹們, 這是這個聖枝主日的好消息。


亞孟,亞孟 !