每周講道 Homily >

復活期第三主日講道 Homily 3rd Sunday Easter April 23, 2023


Homily 3rd Sunday Easter 2023

Franklin Fong, OFM

April 23, 2023


Among the many accounts of how the early disciples come to believe that Jesus is risen and is among his followers is the Gospel story of the two travelers on the road to Emmaus. It is a story that can serve as a pattern for us today who also must become aware of the presence of the risen Lord. 


 Reflection on the story shows that the two disciples go through what are called the five “D’s” First there are despair and doubt. Then there are dialogue, disclosure, and direction.


Because they are disillusioned and disappointed in their own personal dreams about the man Jesus, they doubt the report that Jesus is risen. 


Then their fellow traveler draws near. He initiates a dialogue with them. He interprets the scriptures and they begin to see God’s real purpose in the cross. Finally the risen Jesus is disclosed to them in the breaking of the bread. Out of this encounter with the enlightening and burning word, and the shared bread, they discover direction in their lives. They join with others in word and Eucharist to share and to witness to the Good News.


If we are to move beyond despair and doubt,

if our hearts are to be filled with joy in Jesus’ presence as we heard in the first reading,

 if our faith and hope are to be centered in God as we hear in the second reading,

 then we are not to travel alone. 

 It is with others that we are to listen to the same word . this is DIALOGUE . They then shared the same bread and cup that is DISCLOSURE. Then the risen Jesus sends us forth to be witnesses of the resurrection to those who otherwise remain in despondency and doubt. THIS FINAL ‘D’ THEN IS A CHANGE IN THEIR DIRECTION !  


Take some time in the coming week to reflect on how the 5 ‘D’s have been evident in your faith journey as well. 


When in your faith journey have you experienced despair and doubt about your faith in Jesus? 

How has dialogue, disclosure, and direction each expressed itself in your faith journey today?  

Once you recognize these 5 stages in your own life, you can appreciate what it means to the little ones who are just beginning their faith journey on the laps and shoulders of their parents!   

How can we now walk this faith journey with this knowledge that our faith journey is a slow process needing years if not decades to travel.   

How can we support these young parents and children in our Chinese Catholic Community?


That my brothers and sisters of 

the Chinese Catholic Community is the Good News 

for this third Sunday of Easter !

Alleluia Alleluia !





四旬期甲年復活第三主日 (04/23/2023)

讀經一: 宗徒大事錄 2: 14, 22-33
讀經二: 聖伯多祿前書 1: 17-21
路加福音 24: 13-35






·  如果我們要超越絕望和懷疑;

		· 如果我們的心想要如讀經一中聽到的那樣充滿耶穌同在的喜樂;

		· 如果我們的心想要如讀經二中聽到的那樣以天主為我們的中心;



		· 你的信仰之旅中,有沒有經歷過對信仰的絕望和懷疑?

		· 你與天主的對話,祂對你的啟示, 和你生命的方向,在你今天的信仰之旅中

		· 一旦你意識到這五個階段在自己的生活中是個什麼狀態時,你才會明白對一個

		· 我們該如何穩健地走在信仰的路上呢。要明白信仰之旅是個緩慢的過程,需要

		· 我們該如何支持華人天主教社區的這些年輕父母和孩子們呢?


所以, 華人天主教團體的弟兄姊妹們, 這是這個復活節第三主日的好消息!

阿肋路亞, 阿肋路亞!