每周講道 Homily >

耶穌聖誕節 12/25/2023


耶穌聖誕節 (當日感恩祭)

Fr. Fernando Cortz





「厄瑪奴耳」的工作只能在我們人的身體,藉著地球上的生命來完成。天父希望如此,能看見這奧秘真是太美妙了!教會正慢慢地為這個奧秘做好準備。藉著聖路加和聖瑪竇敘述耶穌聖嬰的誕生讓我們感到安慰。祂在晚上降臨,沒有被其他人發現。只有天使才能展示祂。報告給牧羊人,他們是窮人,但卻是「仁慈的人」。即使他們在動物中工作,他們的內心也是純潔的,除了其他迴避他們的人。牧羊人聞起來好像綿羊! 我們也是一樣。

許多人被派遣告訴我們主耶穌降生到這個世界:是默西亞、被選者、受傅者。 但是許多人忽視了祂。洗者約翰開始明白主耶穌是天主的羔羊。成為我們中間的那一位來到我們身邊,身為一個人,没有被承認是天主。








(12/25/2023) – CANTONESE COMMUNITY – 2PM, “Mass During the Day”

Fr. Fernando Cortz


Our Christmas joy and prayer rightly breaks into song and praise from our hearts, just like Saint John the Baptist. We echo the good news of the prophet Isaiah, “Your God is King!”

Saint Paul writes to the Hebrews, the Jewish people living in the City of Rome. Beyond the Law and the Prophets has come the time of fulfillment! Their God has delivered to them Jesus the Christ. His name is above all others, even greater than the angels! Paul points to the Word of God for the signs of this truth. Jesus is the only-begotten One, the Son of God from on high. “Let all the angels of God worship him.”

The Gospel of John, chosen for the Daytime Mass of Christmas Day, conveys mystery and also how it becomes part of our everyday life as people. Even as Jesus comes from on high, the Word of God made flesh, becoming a Human Being, He remains God. He is Emmanuel – God-with-Us! We can understand Him; receive Him.

The work of Emmanuel can only be done in our human body, through life on Earth. God the Father wishes it to be so, and it is wonderful to behold! The Church is slowly prepared for this mystery. We are consoled with the birth of the baby Jesus through Saint Luke and Saint Matthew. He arrives at night, unseen by others. Only the Angels reveal him. He is announced to the shepherds, poor men, but “men of good will”. Their hearts are pure even as they work among animals in the world, apart from other people who avoid them. They smell like the sheep! We do too…

So many were sent to tell us of Jesus’ birth into this world: the Messiah, the chosen One, the Anointed One. Yet many ignored him. John the Baptist came to understand Jesus as the Lamb of God. As the One among us who comes to us, unrecognized as God, as a human being.

John saw the Light in Jesus! The church prays in Advent that John “sang of his coming and proclaimed His presence among us”. What a beautiful way to describe the feelings of Saint John the Baptist when he finally recognized the Lord as his own cousin, Jesus!

Many rejected the gift of Jesus as God and Man. But, to those among us who do accept Him, God gave us the power to become children of God. Not by birth or privilege, or human choice, but by the hand of God alone. Let us respond generously by sharing this love of God with many others.

And so, above all human effort, beyond the law of Moses, beyond the grace of His love for Israel, God sends His only-begotten Son into the world as one of us. A “grace” received “in place of grace”! Are we not certainly blessed among all peoples to be chosen in Christ?

Our celebrations bring us home to our families and friends, just as the Shepherds and the Wise Men came to see Jesus. We too gather to worship Jesus and most importantly, to recognize him in one another. Merry Christmas to all of you!