每周講道 Homily >

常年期第22主日 Homily 22nd Sunday OT C August 28

Homily 22nd Sunday OT August 28, 2022

Homily presented by Franklin Fong, OFM

to St. Leander Chinese Catholic Community


All four readings today give us an appreciation of what it means to have humility.  

The First reading from Sirach focuses our attention to humility as a virtue that attracts love and relationships, is about knowing yourself and living within your own capacities rather than pretending to know everything. Wisdom is about being humble enough to know how to listen to others. Each one should exercise his God-given talent with humility.

In the Psalm 68 we hear about how the poor, the homeless and the rejected are humble, and yet God is with them. God restores them to health and freedom.  

The Second reading from Hebrews 12 we hear that we Christians approach heaven without fear and trembling. We listen to the Word of God who manifests himself to us. Gone are the days on Mt. Sinai when God spoke to the people with fearful signs. So, it is with ease and the quietness of our hearts, that we encounter God in his word and sacrament. And with serenity, we approach Christ.

The Gospel reading from Luke tells us about how Jesus teaches us to be unassuming, when invited, even if we come from high positions. Using the parable of the invited guests, we as a guest should not decide what we deserve. Let us give the host freedom to choose where we should be. So humility or prudence is the name of the game. Without prudence, we are prone to embarrassments. Also we give our hosts a hard time.

Frequently in the bible we will hear of a wedding reception, a lunch or dinner shared together when we will be gathered into the presence of God to discover the joy of living together in fellowship.  

We may be surprised to find someone we least expect to be at the heavenly table receiving a place of honor.  

Let’s reflect a moment on this and why we might be surprised. Humility is a recognition of our LIMITATIONS, not a denial of our WORTH ! More importantly, it is the recognition of the worth of others. Especially those whom the world rejects, overlooks and deems of little value.  

There will be room for all at the ultimate banquet. No one needs to push or shove their way to the front of the line ! Jesus clearly reminds us that we must make room for each other, that this will be when the poor come into their kingdom. Jesus hopes that we will not meet there as strangers !

All will know of the happiness of the reunion of people who have already begun to share their lives on earth. Remember, it is Jesus who seats the servants at table and waits on them himself.  

So to summarize:

The first reading teaches us to be humble, not seeking anything beyond our capacity.  

The Psalm reminds us that God will be there for all who are humble.  

The second reading teaches that humble Christians have a better destiny in a heavenly banquet!

The Gospel reading teaches us to be humble and not to expect reciprocation when doing a favor.

So, in the eucharist, we must behave like humble guests. Jesus is our host. He wants us to approach this banquet with humble hearts.

In the eucharist, everyone is invited, no one is left out. Even the lame, the crippled and the blind are invited. Our orderly celebration of the eucharist is in anticipation of the communion with God in heaven where no one will experience embarrassment.

Brothers and Sisters of the Chinese Catholic Community, that is the Good News for this 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time !

Alleluia,  Alleluia !

Fr. Fong





2022 年 8 月 28 日, 常年期二十二主日



在聖詠第 68 篇,我們聽到窮苦人,無家可歸者和被拒絕的人如何謙卑,上主與他們同在,使他們恢復健康和自由。








1/ 第一篇讀經教導我們要謙遜,不要追求我們能力範圍以外的東西。
2/ 聖詠提醒我們,上主就在謙卑自下的人中間。 
3/ 第二篇讀經告訴我們,謙卑的基督徒,在天上的筵席中有更好的席位。
4/ 福音教導我們要謙遜,行善時不要期望得到回報。


