每周講道 Homily >

常年期第33主日 Homily 33rd Sunday OT C November 13


Homily  33rd Sunday OT

Franklin Fong, OFM


In the first reading from Malachi, we hear that the day of the Lord will bring about justice and healing to those who fear the name of the Lord. 


From the psalm 98 we are encouraged to celebrate for God is coming to administer justice!


In the second reading from St Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, that even with the imminent coming of the Lord, they must keep working. 


And finally in the Gospel of Luke we hear about what will happen before the second coming of the Lord and that Christians should persevere doing God’s work regardless!


Well, we must be getting close to the end of another liturgical year since the Gospel and the first reading both speak of destruction, wars, persecution and catastrophes.  


Here we are in 2022 and we are still facing the challenges of  possible nuclear warfare in Ukraine and North Korea  which threaten  all  democracies.  And yet there is still global warming in our climate which threatens every country in the world.  Clearly life is very precious.


But Jesus does not want us to live in fear and anxiety.  God will have the last word.  God cares for us, his creation.  Even though there are dark clouds on the horizon we are told  in the verses “ the end does not follow immediately”.  We can be at peace in the midst of disorder and chaos.  We are told that “by patient endurance you will save your lives.”  


St Paul in the second reading urges us to go about our daily living with confidence and hope!


At times we wonder and ask ourselves,  what is the meaning of my life?  The readings today suggest rather that our life is putting its problems to each of us, and it is up to us to respond to these questions by being responsible and answering to life’s challenges with our life.  


Clearly, life is a task!  


We must be persistent in our faith journey as the meaningful preparation for eternal life!  So PERSEVERE ! 


It might take years for any of us to truly come to understand why we were given some challenge in our life.


Let me give you an example of how my gardening is preaching to me. 

My tasks in gardening is typically planting seeds of vegetables that I want to grow and harvest in 6 months time.  The typical routine is that I go to the store and buy the seed packets and decide which vegetables I want to grow.  I have to read the back of each packet to get a description of what the vegetable is like.  And then I have to think back in previous years, have I grown this before?  Did I like this vegetable to cook with?  Did others in the community like eating this harvest?  


Once that decision is made, I purchase those packets of the chosen vegetables.  Then the hard part of planting the seeds and growing them from small seedlings to good sized plants ready to transplant into the ground.  Constant attention to their need for water, and enough sun but not too much or too little sun, and helping the seedlings compete with the weeds growing up as well.   


Gardening is no different from our life journey.  Our minds are like gardens.  Your thoughts are like the seeds we plant.  Harvestable vegetables or flowers is always being challenged by weeds.  


So think about it !  What is the goal we have for our spiritual life?  How do we plant the ‘seeds’ for such a spiritual life goal?  What kinds of ‘weeds’ compete with the desired harvest of our spiritual life?  How do you water or nurture the growing spiritual goal?   What are the weeds that are competing with the immature spiritual goal?    So we now see that simply to persevere is never going to be enough.  We have to persevere with wisdom and insight in understanding the world we live in !


Take some time this coming week to reflect on what have been the spiritual ‘seeds’ you have planted in your mind, and how have you nurtured these spiritual goals into a fruitful harvest in your life ?   Who has helped you in your spiritual gardening?  How have you shared your harvest of spiritual flowers and vegetables to witness God’s love in your world?


So, brothers and sisters of the Chinese Catholic Community, 

that is the Wonderful News for this 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time !

Alleluia Alleluia!


Fr. Fong





2022 年常年期三十三主日

讀經一: 瑪拉基亞先知書 3:19-20
讀經二: 得撒洛尼人後書 3: 7-12
路加福音 21: 5-19


聖詠 98 篇鼓勵我們要熱烈慶祝,因為上主要來主持公義了!

在今天的 2022 年,我們仍然面對著烏克蘭和朝鮮可能發生的核戰危機,威脅到所有民


所以,華人教會的兄弟姐妹們,這就是常年期 33 主日的好消息!

