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將臨期第三主日 Homily Third Sunday Advent Cycle A December 11


Homily 3rd Sunday Advent

December 11, 2022

Franklin Fong, OFM


Violet is the usual color of the Advent season, but today we wear rose colored vestments. We light the third candle in the advent wreath which is rose colored. The less somber color highlights the fact that this is “REJOICE” Sunday. In Latin this is called GAUDATE Sunday. 

In the first reading from Isaiah we hear of how the desert land is rejoicing in blooms and abundant flowers at seeing the glory of the Lord!

The subtle difference between happiness and joy is pointed out in the second reading from the letter of St James. In this reading we are encouraged to be patient like the farmer is patient to wait for the crops he has planted to mature and to yield harvestable fruit. So the contrast herein being happy is that happiness is experienced more of less where and when you would expect it, in the harvest of a crop, in a good marriage, a rewarding job, a pleasant vacation.  

Joy in contrast is always unpredictable. It comes as a surprise. We speak of a joyous event. “What a joy to run into you here!” Or whenever I see the little children jumping for joy and laughing so freely at our gathering here!  

In the Gospel of Matthew verses we heard today, we hear of how Jesus tells John the Baptist’s disciples about the blind who now see, the lame who now walk, the lepers who are cured, the deaf who now hear, and the dead who are raised! These all examples of the unexpected joy experienced by the people who meet Jesus. They all experienced joy upon meeting and learning about God from Jesus.  

So, we now see how Jesus offers healing for all our handicaps, courage in our weakness. Jesus promises an endless life and a message of good news for us who admit our poverty and limitations.  

In summary, Jesus fulfills what Isaiah promises in the first reading hope in a glorious future and strength along the way. In the second reading, we have the best reasons to be patient now and to expect the fulfillment of our desires. And from the Gospel reading, may we not be scandalized and lose faith because of God’s mysterious ways!  

So let us not forget then the reminders of the Advent Candles we have lit so far: Hope, Faith, Joy Prophet’s Bethlehem, Shepherds

We have the hope that was shown by the Prophets like Isaiah!

We have the faith which was shown by those born in Bethlehem like King David;

And we have the joy that was shown by the shepherds when the Angels appeared to them!

Again and again let us commit ourselves to the path that Jesus provides through suffering sin and death, to fulness of life with God. 

So, to review once again, you can now better appreciate the significance of these first three advent candles: The first Candle we lit 2 weeks ago is called the PROPHECY Candle and it represents hope. The second candle we last week is called the BETHLEHEM candle and represents peace and preparation. Today’s candle is called SHEPHERD’s candle and represents joy.  

Take some time in the coming days to reflect on when were those moments of happiness in this past year? And then reflect on when were those moments of Joy in this past year? Can you now see the differences between happiness and joy in your faith journey?

Brothers and Sisters of the Chinese Catholic Community, 

that is the good news for this 3rd Sunday of Advent.

Alleluia Alleluia !






禮儀年甲年將臨期第三主日講道 2022 年 12 月 11 日

讀經一: 依撒意亞先知書 35:1-6a, 10
讀經二: 聖雅各伯書 5:7-10
瑪竇福音 11:2-11


紫羅蘭色是將臨期的常用顏色,但今天我們穿玫瑰色的祭衣。我們點燃了玫瑰色的將臨期花圈中的第三支蠟燭。不那麼陰沉的顏色突出了一個事實,即這是“喜樂REJOICE”主日。在拉丁語中,這稱為 GAUDATE 主日。



相比之下,喜悅總是難以預料的。這是一個驚喜。我們談到一件喜事。 “在這裡遇到你真是太高興了!”或者每當我看到小孩子們在我們的聚會上歡呼雀躍、放聲大笑!



因此,讓我們不要忘記迄今為止我們點燃的將臨期蠟燭的提醒:希望、信德、歡樂, 先知的白冷、牧羊人。








華人天主教團體的兄弟姐妹們, 這是將臨期第三主日的好消息。
