


屋崙華埠總商會每年都會舉辦華埠街節。這個街會凝聚華人的力量,吸引不少男女老幼 到屋崙華埠逛逛街、買買東西、欣賞表演,、試食、或了解不同公司及團體的資料與服務。街會通常在八月第四個星期六/日,接近中秋節舉行。我們天主教 聖良堂華人牧民中心早已在十數年前開始參與華埠街會節做福傳的工作,關切屋崙華人社區的需求,以及向還沒有機會認識天主的人分享我們內心的平安與喜樂。

從2013年開始,除了屋崙聖良堂的教友外,聯合市玫瑰聖母堂及菲利蒙市聖若瑟堂的教友也加盟街會義工的行列,讓我們更能有效地使用兩言 (中文及英文) 及三語 (粵語、國語、英語) 去宣揚天主的道理,了解他人的需要。

今年2016年的華埠街會將于8月27和28日 (星期六和日) 舉行。我們的攤位會有幸運輪盤、問答遊戲、以及派發小禮物。我們也準備了心願卡讓你寫上你的心願,並在街會完結後帶回我們的教堂為你的心願代禱。 如果你想知道如何為自己的心願祈禱,或想多些了解我們的信仰或團體活動,我們的弟兄姊妹會很樂意認識你這位新朋友,與你傾談。舊朋友我們都好歡迎你來我們的攤位探望和聚聚舊,了解我們最新的發展及任務。

任何有興趣參與或想幫忙做義工的朋友, 歡迎您聯絡我們!  電郵地址 info@oaklandccc.org 或到我們的網站www.oaklandccc.org

八月,是團聚的好日子!  我們到時見!





August is Festive!

Summer is here, once a year the Chinatown Oakland Chamber of Commerce holds the annual Street Festival to attract people from far and near, young and old, from all walks of life to come and enjoy the nice weather outdoor with entertainment, new food to taste, interesting merchandise to purchase, and new and old information from all kinds of company to share.

The start of this tradition dated back to 1988, and has been held on the 4th weekend of August, close to the Chinese Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival.

Every year thousands of people come to look for moon cakes to taste and to purchase, and of course many other activities to attract the whole family to come out to meet old and new friends.

Over ten years ago, our Chinese Pastoral Cultural Center of St. Leo’s Catholic Church also took the opportunity to bring our mission of reaching out and to evangelize, to bring the crowd to our Chinese Parishes.  Since 2013 we expanded to invite our other Chinese parishioners from Union City, and Fremont to join us to outreach, and to spread the Words of God.

This year we will have fun games at our booths, like the “Wheel of Fortune”, and a little gift after the game.  If one wants to know about our church’s activities and our religion, we welcome you with open arms to talk and to share our experiences with you.  Or if one prefers to spend time writing wishes on a prayer card, we will gather them at the end of the Street Fest and bring them back to our churches to pray for you.

We have little gift for everyone who visits our booth during the Street Festival.  We invite everyone to come to our booths to get these little surprises.  If you know us already, we would love to meet you again to have a mini reunion at this event.  We have a lot of great news and updates to share about our community. 

If you’d like to volunteer or help out during this wonderful outreach activity, you can email us at info@oaklandccc.org or visit our website at http://www.oaklandccc.org.  We look forward to seeing you then!

Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' 
The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it,
but do not know where it comes from and where it is going;
so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."  (John, 3: 7-8).